Accommodations and Learning Plans
Students with special learning needs can be successful at Longmont Christian School if:
• The student is able to learn from the regular curriculum for his or her grade level, without modification
• Professional documentation of the learning need is obtained and kept current (withins 3 years)
• Parents disclose the results of any previous or ongoing assessments or interventions
• Families work in partnership with Learning Services and classroom teachers to create a climate in which the student can thrive.
When these criteria are in place, the LCS Learning Specialist writes an Accommodation Plan listing the academic accommodations the school is able to provide to support student success.
What is a special learning need?
"Special learning needs" are understood to mean identified conditions that impact a student's ability to access and learn effectively from the regular classroom curriculum. These needs might include learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder (with or without hyperactivity), or disorders affecting sensory perception, processing, or memory. Certain medical or emotional conditions may also impact learning, so these may constitute a learning need in some cases.
Accommodations vs. Modifications
Accommodations are provided in an effort to "level the playing field" and give these students a fair opportunity for success in learning. They do not guarantee that a student will achieve a particular grade point average, earn a regular diploma, or achieve any other marker of academic success. Accommodations offer an opportunity for succcess; the student still earns his or her own grades. Commmon types of accommodation might include:
• Instructional changes, such as small-group/pull-out instruction in elementary grades, or the opportunity to access the outlines of lectures in high school
• Environmental changes, such as preferential seating within the classroom
• Assessment accommodation, such as extended time for tests and quizzes, or the opportunity to take a test in a separate room to avoid distraction.
Annual Accommodation Plans
When a student receives identification of a learning need, an LCS Learning Specialist will write an Accommodation Plan as a communication tool for parens and teachers. This document summarizes the student’s strengths and specific needs, and outlines the accommodations the classroom teachers are able to provide. Accommodation Plans are updated yearly to facilitate a smooth transition from one grade to the next, and are shared with the student’s current teachers via a secure, online database. In addition to writing and communicating the Accommodation Plan, the Learning Specialist meets with teachers as needed to discuss the implementation of the Plan. He/she provides classroom observations and resources to support the plan. He/she maintains the confidential records necessary for accessing accommodations through 12th grade and beyond. An annual Administration Fee is assessed toward the costs of providing the above services. Please see our website for the current fee schedule.
What if a student needs direct support within the curriculum?
Learning specialists are available to assist students who are struggling with academic tasks. This support is structured differently at the various levels of the school.
• Students in grades K-5 may receive small-group, pull-out instruction
• Students in grades 6-8 may receive in-class support or assistance during study hall periods
What if a student needs more help?
While our Learning Services Team is committed to doing all we can to support students who need help, our services are limited. We do not function as classroom aides or personal tutors for individual students. If more help is needed than we are able to provide, parents may access additional support or therapy through resources outside the school.